Our Services
Our web based solutions are custom for many industries like Plumbing, Heating, Utilities, HVAC, Construction Jobs, Park Ranger, Shuttle Services, Recycling, Waste Management, Fleet Tracking, Inspections, Accident Reporting, General Contractor, Cleaner City, Traffic Control Drawing, Demolition, Hauling, Cleaning Services, Electrical, Environmental Services, Virtual Training, Site Work, Paving, HOA, Government, and more…

Consulting Services
When you talk with us, we are focus on helping you…
When you talk with us, we are focus on helping you with your digital business needs. We have over 32 years of IT management experience in software design and development of automated web systems. We understand the complexities of operating a business as well as the key role technology plays in automating and streamlining front and backend processes.
We consult and will analyze your digital business needs and recommend the technology that best fits your operation. We help you identify strengths, weaknesses and opportunities to guide you with automation strategies. How can our automation solutions help you? Let’s talk about it.

Web Design and Development
Web development and design to meet the needs and…
Web development and design to meet the needs and goals of your business. Develop applications that help improve your operation and create impeccable designs to enhanced your brand. We work with you to produce a satisfy outcome for a professional developed website that is responsive, user-friendly, and inviting. We service mainly medium to large companies.
We are currently providing an affordable one page web design for Minority owned business startups – See it here

Service and Design Plans
We offer managed services so you can save cost and outsource the heavy lifting to us.
Managed Services
As a MSP (managed service provider) we are take on the responsibility for maintaining your processes in order to outsource and reduce operational expenses.
Service Design Plans
See service plans

Creative Designs
We work to create catchy designs that make products, services or…
We work to create catchy designs that make products, services or brands more desirable and appealing. We also share free creative ideas on our YouTube Channel.
Simple Creations TV is our YouTube channel with free creative ideas that are simple and entertaining. We demonstrate how to produce creative content with little effort using free design tools. We post our latest creative videos here.

Digital Coaching
We provide one on one coaching time with you via Zoom or phone to help…
We provide one on one coaching time with you via Zoom or phone to help you learn how to use digital products. Ask us about our Digital Transformation for entrepreneurs, comminutes and small businesses. Minimum 30 minutes of scheduled coaching sessions. We request a retainer to get started.

Virtual Events
We design and host your next event online until the event is completed…
We design and host your next event online until the event is completed. We setup bios, virtual booth, digital book with images, photo and videos. You provide the content and we will work with you to make your event a success.
Facebook Business Page
We offer weekly Facebook management services to help…
We offer weekly Facebook management services to help you with your marketing. We will build your Facebook business social profile including setting up information to your about page, details about each service, pricing, notifications, follow me button, organizing page tabs, helping you promote your page through your website.

Virtual Slide Presentation
We design and host your next presentation online until the…
We design and host your next presentation online until the meeting is completed. You provide the content and we will work with you to make your meeting a success.

Data Dashboards
Connect and manage your data from multiple devices…
Connect and manage your data from multiple devices. Import data from other systems and datasets. Trigger alerts and notifications for any condition.